Since the election results came in, I've been trying to accept this pending new normal. Wednesday brought denial, but by the weekend, it transformed into profound exhaustion -a deep need to sleep, often just hours after waking. This fatigue makes sense when you understand what lies beneath it: shock and grief.
In trying to make sense of my reaction, I've drawn strength from other writers, particularly the brilliant essayists and novelists Tembe Denton-Hurst and Brandon Taylor, both queer Black authors.
Denton-Hurst’s essay, All Power to the People, is filled with wisdom, advice, and truth. Observations such as "It was racism and misogynoir. Let's get serious. Today. We can talk about the other things, but until we start telling the truth about racism underwriting everything in this country, people will continue to spin their wheels and look under rocks for explanations that don't make sense, " and "Listen to people who don't agree with you, not people who don't believe you're a human being that doesn't deserve rights, " resonate with me deeply.
Taylor's essay, "Troubled Sleep" helps me navigate this new reality. This story about dependency on Benadryl and his journey to break free of it mirrors our current moment, especially when he writes about "how swiftly, one reality replaced another."
Instead of strategizing about the way forward, I'm trying to exist fully now. I want to be present and strong for what's ahead, but I'm taking a breath right now. I'm listening to the people of color we have betrayed, especially Black women. I'm staying connected to family, friends, and community - stress-cleaning and stress-cooking to the max. And I am keeping still.
I expect that much of this fatigue will pass, and I'll enter the next stage soon enough. But right now, I'm napping. The work of preparing for what's to come will be here when I'm ready.
The family has been eating well as I stress-cook my way to more calm. Here are some of the hits:
Lamb Stew with Parsnips, Potatoes, and Carrots: This was devoured.
Broccoli with Pasta and Feta Cheese: Smashed this one, too.
Skillet-Roasted Cabbage Wedges: Winter treat.
Pork Tenderloin with Apples and Kale: So good.
I’ll get back to a regular-ish newsletter and more variety of topics over the next few weeks.
Please let me know how you are and what is helping you get through.
Best, Susan
Thank you Susan for this. It captures the moment perfectly